
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Look young

How to be Fit at 30 Year Old

'Look young'. These two words sum up the whole cosmetic industry's marketing strategy in the 21st century. Right from anti-wrinkle creams to under eye rollers, bottled ‘youth’ is the key selling point. So when you hit your 30s, you realize that wrinkles and crow’s feet are just round the next decade's corner. The problem arises when you blindly follow this marketing jargon without thinking of natural ways to stay fit. Today, we're talking about just that. Here's a quick health checklist for all our readers who're stepping into their 30s. Read on to know what you can do to continue looking your best.

1. Try interval training sessions, atleast three times a week. It should include a minimum 30 minute routine of sprinting, jogging, running or brisk walking, along with strength training exercises.

2. If starting a workout is proving to be a challenge, join a fitness group to motivate yourself. If weight loss is an issue for you, you can also seek help in weight management groups on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

3. Try yoga! Not only will yoga help tone your body, but it will also help avert various health conditions, which tend to make their presence felt in your 30s. 

4. As ghastly as it might sound, when you reach your 30s, your muscles start degenerating leading to slower metabolic rates and ultimately weight gain. In order to have strong healthy muscles, go for smart weight training sessions such as circuit training which help in upping your muscle strength. 

5. Why not dance your way to fitness? Enroll yourself in any style of dance which appeals to you. From Zumba to Salsa, dancing is a fun way to burn calories efficiently.
6. Learn self-defence. Go for a martial training class such as kickboxing or taekwondo which will help you in staying fit and protecting yourself. 

7. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. This advice applies to everybody. It helps in keeping your hydration and metabolism levels in check. 

8. Whether you are part of today’s twitter generation, or an old school leather journal enthusiast, the trick lies in writing down each and every health related detail of the day for best and effective results. Here’s how.

9. When you hit your 30s, you might suffer from many kinds of embarrassing health conditions. Do make sure you visit your doctor for routine check-ups.

10. Last but not the least, never, and we mean never ever compare yourself to a zero-size twenty year old girl. You’ll just end up feeling miserable. Understand your body shape/type and accept it. Aim to maximize your health by enhancing your fitness levels rather than thinness levels. 

Image and Article Credit:

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